By Shawn J Carter
Building muscle is not an easy task. If it was, every guy who stepped in the weight room would be ripped. But that's not the case. Building muscle takes hard work and dedication. But if you work smarter than most guys and learn some good advice, you can build muscle in no time. Here are a few tips on how to build muscle quick.How to Build Muscle Quick
First, you need to understand why your body builds muscle.
Your body builds muscle as a response to its environment. Most guys see the biggest results in the first few months of working out. Why? Because their bodies are not used to the stress. Lifting weights puts stress on the body and forces you to grow stronger. The body responds by building muscle.

But most guys hit a wall and stop seeing gains. This is because many guys keep with the same old routine. If you are doing the same workout from week to week, your body no longer has to adapt. It's built enough muscle to complete your workout.
So, one of the best tips on how to build muscle quick is to put constant stress on your body. Force the body to adapt and grow muscle. You can do this by lifting heavy weights and continuing to make progress from week to week.How to Build Muscle Quick
When you're lifting, aim to complete five to eight reps only. Use the heaviest amount of weight that keeps you in this range. Anything past eight reps and you'll be building too much lactic acid in your muscles. Once you can complete more than eight reps, it's time to move up in weight. Follow this tip and your body will be under constant stress and you will continue to see gains.
The next big tip on how to build muscle quick is to use compound exercises every time you're lifting. compound exercises are those that use multiple muscle groups. Squats, dead lifts, pull ups, and bench press are all perfect examples. These type of exercises utilize the most muscles in the body and allow you to lift the most weight.How to Build Muscle Quick
Great muscle building exercises are those that move your body through space instead of simple moving your limbs. Let's think about Olympic Gymnasts for a second. All of these guys are ripped from head to toe, but none of them ever lift weights. Their exercises involve moving their bodies through space and using their strength to help them do it. Follow their example and you'll be ripped in no time!
Another important tip is to make sure you're not overtraining. That's right... too much working out can actually have a negative effect and cause you to lose muscle. Stick to 10-12 TOTAL reps during your workout. If you can complete more than this, your probably aren't working hard enough.
Remember, you don't gain muscle while you are working out. You actually build muscle while you are resting, sleeping, and eating. So make sure you're not over training yourself and you're getting plenty of rest.
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